Nail Fungus
Cutting Edge FDA-Cleared Cold Laser for Treatment of Nail Fungus
Nail Fungus Treatments and Prevention
If you notice a yellow color on your toenails, you may be suffering from nail fungus. If you have a fungus, you need to treat it as quickly as possible. Read on to learn more about nail fungus treatments and prevention.
* Yellowish nail
* Thickened nails
* Loose brittle nails
* Hard to cut nails
* Cold Laser treatment 89% success
Onychomycosis of yellow toenails is a contagious condition that can be spread by direct contact with contaminated objects or hands. It is not hereditary, but some families are more likely to develop it than others. Some genes, however, protect against this fungal infection. People with immune dysfunction are also more likely to develop this condition. This includes people undergoing long-term steroid therapy and those who are malnourished.
Patients with onychomycosis can take oral antimycotic to treat the infection. The most common ones include terbinafine and itraconazole. This drug works by killing the fungi in the nail bed. It has several potential side effects liver damage. Terbinafine is not recommended for people with liver problems or those who have a history of heart disease. It may also react with drugs such as cholesterol medication, quinidine, pimozide, or dofetilide.
If you suspect that you have yellow nails, the first thing you should do is to see a doctor. A doctor can confirm your diagnosis by conducting a physical exam. However, it can be difficult to differentiate this condition from other diseases and trauma. A doctor may also need to perform a laboratory test to determine if you have onychomycosis before prescribing a treatment.
The most common type of onychomycosis is distal subungual onychomycosis, which starts in the nail bed and spreads to the outer edges of the nail. It may eventually affect the entire nail plate. White spots on the nail plate are another sign of onychomycosis, and these are often caused by T. violaceum or T. schoenleinii.
The best treatment for this condition is Cold laser treatment, there is no pain. Oral medication has many side effects and topical medication rarely works.

Familial Yellow Nail Syndrome
Yellow nail syndrome can be caused by several different factors, and many cases go undiagnosed for years. However, some patients with this syndrome do experience spontaneous improvement. This suggests that the syndrome is not hereditary but is caused by a specific condition. Regardless, yellow nail syndrome is a serious problem that needs to be treated by a physician.
The syndrome was first described in 1964 by Samman and White. Later, Emerson and Nordkild added the presence of pleural effusion to the diagnosis. This syndrome affects both men and women equally, and it is thought to be caused by a genetic disorder. In a study of 97 patients, researchers noted that 67 percent of the cases were affected by yellow nails, compared to 20 percent in patients without the condition. The average age of onset was around 40 years, although the disease could occur at any age.
While the exact cause of this syndrome is unknown, experts say that it occurs in about one in every three people. Patients with the disorder tend to have thick, yellow nails that can detach from the nail bed and fall off. In eight out of ten cases, the condition also causes swelling and fluid buildup in the nail bed. This usually happens a few months after the yellow nail has appeared.
In addition to the yellowing of fingernails, yellow nail syndrome also affects the respiratory tract and lymphatic system. Patients with this syndrome can experience breathing problems and lymphedema (swelling of the legs). Treatment for yellow nail syndrome focuses on compression and prevention. Oral vitamin E is often prescribed to treat the disease. Some people may also apply self-tanner to the fingernails, but this should be done with gloves.
Although the exact cause of yellow nail syndrome is unknown, studies have shown that it occurs more frequently in people with certain conditions. For example, people with rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to develop yellow nail syndrome. Researchers have also suggested that titanium toxicity may be the cause and have recommended that titanium dental implants and prostheses are removed from affected individuals.
If you notice your nails becoming yellow and discolored, you may have to get them treated with Cold laser which is 89% successful These medicines can be given in tablet form or as special paint to be applied to your nails. Some of the treatments can be very harsh on your body and may lead to side effects. The success is below 50%.
The best way to treat nail fungus is to visit a doctor as soon as you notice symptoms of the condition. It is important to remember that nail fungus is a chronic infection, and treatments for this condition may take a while to work. You may even need to undergo monitoring and follow-ups.
There are a variety of treatments for nail fungus, including Cold Laser Treatment. There is no pain during treatment and benefit takes a few months. It takes up to a year, for to grow. The cold laser treatment is done 4 times the first month then every 3 months for the year. Total treatments are 8 over the year and cost $1000.00 for both feet and $600.00 for one foot.
Oral antifungal medications are also available. Some of these include fluconazole, terbinafine, and itraconazole. Taking an antifungal daily can effectively cure your nail fungus, but it is important to take note of side effects. In addition, some medications can interact with other medications, so you should consult your doctor if you’re unsure. You must take them for a year during the growth cycle of the nail.
Fungal infection of the toenails is fairly common, with ten percent of adults suffering from it. Symptoms of onychomycosis may include yellow nails, respiratory problems, and thickened nails. In severe cases, you may also experience ridges, indentations, and black or green nails. A fungal infection in the toenails can also be associated with a yeast infection in your body.Toenail fungus can be treated with over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, or laser treatment. In severe cases, your doctor may recommend surgery.
Preventing yellow nails caused by nail fungus is possible with a simple home remedy. Baking soda, a common household ingredient, has a pH that inhibits the growth of fungus. Simply soaking your feet in a bowl of baking soda water can help clear the infection. You can also apply an over-the-counter antifungal cream to the affected area. These creams are available in local pharmacies and grocery stores. Make sure to apply them prior to going to bed. Consistent application can result in clear, beautiful nails again.
Vitamin E is another effective natural remedy for yellow nails. Its antimicrobial properties fight both bacteria and fungi. It can be applied topically or taken orally. A good example of a high-quality vitamin E cream is the Sally Hansen Vitamin E Nail and Cuticle Oil.
Another treatment option is antifungal nail paint. These products are less effective than tablets because they don’t penetrate the deeper layers of the nail. However, these methods don’t cause any unpleasant side effects. Nevertheless, it may take several months before the affected nail looks completely normal. You can also clip off the infected part of the nail and start a new, healthy nail from the base.
To prevent the spread of fungal infection, you should make sure to keep your shoes clean and dry. You should also wear sweat-absorbing socks and change them several times a day. In addition, stay away from nail salons as these can transmit the fungus. Also, you should avoid wearing artificial nails or nail polish as they can be infected with yellow nail fungus.
If you want to prevent fungal infections, you should try to avoid exposing your nails to moist, dark environments. This is because they are the ideal breeding ground for fungus. Therefore, it is important to clean your hands regularly, especially after touching infected nails. Also, you should apply an antifungal foot powder to your nails. You may also want to consider using a nail